Hey There!

I'm Farshad, and I'm a developer, educator and researcher.

About Me

A Little About Me!

I am an software engineer with a Master's in Computer Science and vast experience working at cutting-edge technology companies such as Microsoft, UnitedHealth Group, Toshiba, and NASA. I am proficient in a myriad of programming languages, web technologies, and mobile development, in addition to having led and exited two technology start-ups. As a published author, I have five publications, a pending patent, and a passion for giving back and preparing the next generation of software engineers by teaching at community colleges and universities.

Work Experience

Kioxia America (Formerly Toshiba Memory America, Inc)

  • Architected and Developed highly modularized and customizable C/C++ based components for a new open source memory technology called Software Enabled Flash(SEF)
  • Engineered and programmed a modular and extendable Command Line Interface(CLI) to manage and program Software-Enabled Flash(SEF) Device
  • Developed an interactive Phyton shell as part of the CLI program to interact with the SEF device on the fly
  • Designed and developed several components of a Flash Translation Layer for SEF Device including Persistence, Instrumentation and Logging modules
  • Created a versatile demo plafrom with .Net Core C# and JavaScript capable of generating and auto executing demos on the fly to demonstate the capabilities of SEF Device
  • Wrote API and SDK documentation to help increase adoption of the device and increase open source engagement
  • Volunteered to coach, manage, and mentor software engineering interns to improve their skills


  • Developed and implemented the strategic vision and operational plan for AceFluencer, focusing on innovative social media marketing solutions
  • Directed product development initiatives, creating tailored solutions for influencers and small businesses in the digital marketing sector
  • Adapted business strategies in response to evolving social media trends, ensuring platform's relevance in a dynamic industry using agile methodology
  • Led the programming team in the development of the AceFluencer platform app using .Net MAUI/ Xamarin Forms, delivering a robust and user-friendly application tailored for effective social media marketing and influencer collaboration
  • Directed the integration of marketing tools and CRM into the platform, enhancing functionality and user experience


  • Led the development of AvatarStarz, an innovative virtual exploration platform, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices including iPhone, Android, PC, and Mac using Flutter and Dart
  • Managed technical aspects focusing on scalability and security, maintaining a reliable and safe environment for online interactions
  • Contributed to strategic planning, aligning technical development with business goals, and played a key role in pitching the platform to investors
  • Assisted in formulating business development strategies, focusing on market penetration and user acquisition

Quick Bridge Funding

  • Architected and developed a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application to help improve the customer management and retention using ASP.Net MVC and Angular
  • Developed reusable Angular directives to manipulate, format, and present data to the users
  • Created REST and SOAP APIs to support internal applications and be used by business partners
  • Used AWS/ Cloud services to deploy apps and store data to improve application reliability and availablity
  • Improved the user management process by creating and deploying a company-wide Single Sign On System
  • Automated testing and deployment processes by creating and deploying a CI/CD solution
  • Developed a common company-wide CSS/ JavaScript platform to be used for web applications

Fullerton College

  • Instructed an Introduction to C++ in formal class setting to aspiring computer science students
  • Prepared lectures, code samples, quizzes, and tests for computer science courses

UnitedHealth Group - Optum Technology

  • Developed an easy to use Java web application to manage incoming drug requests using Java and Spring MVC
  • Automated the data intake and migration process to reduce data intake time and automate manual tasks
  • Improved the speed of internal applications by analyzing and optimizing SQL scripts

University of California, Irvine: School of Engineering

  • Designed responsive a web application for the GIDMaPS (Global Integrated Drought Monitoring and Prediction System)
  • Designed and developed the GIDMaPS mobile application for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone
  • Configured and setup the server architecture to serve web application and API service
  • Evaluated and deployed big data solutions to manage incoming satellite data from NASA

University of California, Irvine

  • Taught students how to create embedded system software in C and C++
  • Managed the embedded systems laboratory and helped students create and debug various projects

University of California, Irvine: School of Information & Computer Science

  • Designed and developed experiments for Cyber Physical Systems and Embedded Designs Lab
  • Explored methodologies to design and deploy Cyber Physical Systems by developing the “A Ball Goes To School experiment”

Toshiba America Electronic Components

  • Designed and performed performance testing and analysis of SSD tiering solutions
  • Triaged bug priorities based on their impact on user experience
  • Met with companies to evaluate their software products


  • Designed and Developed mobile applications for Windows and Windows Phone platforms
  • Taught students various programming skills within software development
  • Collaborated with on-campus computer science organizations to educate students on new technologies

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA

  • Developed an award-winning iOS application to help the UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar) Operators with various radar and aircraft configurations
  • Deployed a high-performance REST API to support requests made by the mobile application


University of California, Irvine

  • Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.88
  • Thesis: Secure ECG-Based Biometric Authentication in Body Area Sensor Networks (Download)

University of California, Irvine

  • Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.64
  • ICS Honors program (Website)
  • Student Achievement Guided by Experience (SAGE) (Website)
  • The National Society of Leadership and Success

Irvine Valley College

  • Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.75


English, Farsi

My Projects

My Publications

  1. Secure ECG-Based Biometric Authentication in Body Area Sensor Networks

    F. Momtaz; 2016; University of California, Irvine; Article

  2. Design of Secure ECG-Based Biometric Authentication in Body Area Sensor Networks

    S. Peter, B. Pratap Reddy, F. Momtaz, T. Givargis; 2016; Sensors Journal; Article

  3. From the Browser to the Remote Physical Lab: Programming Cyber-physical Systems

    S. Peter, F. Momtaz, T. Givargis; 2015; IEEE Frontiers in Education; Article

  4. iPhone App to Facilitate Airborne Radar Operations

    B. Chapman, F. Momtaz; 2015; NASA Tech Briefs; Article

  5. Toward a Drought Cyberinfrastructure System

    F. Momtaz, N. Nakhjiri, A. AghaKouchak; 2014; Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union; Article

My Research

Contact Me